Chabad of Midhudson Valley

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Tuesday, February 11, 2025 - 13 Shevat 5785
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Candle lighting
6:11 PM  on
Friday, 14 Feb 2025




Photo Album

See Chabad of Mid-Hudson Valley in pictures. This photo album is full of awesome photos & memories. Enjoy!

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Close to 100 people attended the Chabad of Mid Hudson Valley''s annual Lag B''Omer BBQ & Kumsitz. Despite the prediction of heavy rain and thunderstorms, many people attended Chabad of Mid-Hudson Valley''s annual Lag Ba''omer BBQ & Kumzitz ● The main attraction was obviously related to fire - a fire juggling show which the audience enjoyed very much ● Many people put on tefilin followed by a beautiful Bonfire to which the people sat around the fire & sang the Lag B''Omer songs ●
A beautiful Family Sukkot Celebration: Pizza in a Hut 2008
Many families came to the family Sukkot celebration at the Borenstein''s home. Everyone present recited the blessings on the Lulav & Ezrog & enjoyed the "Pizza in a Hut", making their own Pizza with their favorite toppings. Children made their own arts & crafts followed by a Treasure Hunt.
A beautiful Women's Sukkot Celebration: Soup Fest in the Sukkah 2009
Close to 40 Jewish Women attended the "Soup Fest in the Celebration" that was held in the Borenstein''s Sukkah. The participants painted their very own beautiful ceramic soup bowl. Everyone enjoyed the company, food, songs & the spirit of Sukkot!
A beautiful Women's Sukkot Celebration: Sushi, Story & Songs 2008
A full packed Sukkah of Jewish Women attended the "Sukkah & Sushi Celebration" that was held in the Borenstein''''s Sukkah. Special guest speaker, Rabbi Gershon Avtzon, dean of the Lubavitcher Yeshiva of Cincinnati, OH, led an inspiring talk how to bring joy into our lives & homes. Everyone enjoyed the company, food, songs & the spirit of Sukkot!
A beautiful Lag B''omer Parade 2010
A crowd of fifty plus gathered at Alda Park- and marched with true Jewish unity to the Chabad house with the assistance of the local police dept; accompanied by Macaroni the Clown doing unicycling and fire juggling, as well as great music! It was a real wonderous sight- many people came out from their homes to take a glimpse! Back at chabad, yet another crowd were awaiting as they weren''t able to join the march due that the streets were already closed. Everyone enjoyed a delicious BBQ with an array of delicious salads and delightful meats! A moon bounce and fun races, as well as an exquisite show by a ventruilaquist- gave for a very happy Lag B'Omer at Chabad!
A Beautiful Purim in Italia 2012
150 celebrated Purim with an Italian theme at Chabad of Mid Hudson Valley''s annual Purim bash, at the Clarion Hotel in Poughkeepsie.
A 22 ft Menorah at corner of Market & Main St., in Poughkeepsie
The largest Menorah, 22 ft high, is lit daily with the assistance of a "cherry picker".
A Balloon Chanukah Festival 09
Close to 200 people came to the Poughkeepsie Galleria to celebrate Chanukah. An attraction of a giant 16 ft Menorah made from hundreds of balloons was displayed as hundres of shoppers viewd its beauty!
A bbq graduation of Chabad Hebrew School 2007
A BBQ Lag Ba''omer Celebration 2008
At Chabad of the Mid-Hudson Valley Lag Baomer this year will be unforgetable to the hundred people attending the annual Lag Baomer bbq, as it rained until the moment before the program began. The crowd enjoyed a performance by Macoroni the clown and many men donned tefillim.
A beautiful & inspiring talk on the mystery of the Mikva
Close to 50 people enjoyed hearing Rivky Slonim from Binghamton, NY on her talk about the mystery of Mikva followed by a tour of the magnificent Mikva.
A Beautiful Celebration of Menorah Lighting's 2010
This year's Chanukah events were so beautiful, very well attended despite the cold and rain during the first few days. The first night of Chanukah was ushered in with the lighting of the largest menorah in the Mid-Hudson Valley region, a 22 ft tall menorah standing across the street from the Mid-Hudson Civic Center on Market St in Poughkeepsie. Despite the severe rain, a group of people showed up to partake in this moment. The Mayor of Poughkeepsie said a few words of encouragement before Rabbi Yacov Borenstein said a few words about the meaning of Chanukah, about all people working together to illuminate the darkness by doing good deeds and helping one another.
A beautiful celebration of Purim in Africa 2010
About 150 people attended PURIM IN AFRICA at the Mercury Grand Hotel, in Poughkeepsie, NY. There was live music and dancing. In adddition, there was a spectacular African Purim drum circle show led by Moshe Sobol that had the entire audience of adults and children glued with their eyes. The crowd came from all over the Mid-Hudson Valley region.
A beautiful Cirque Du Purim celebration 2009
Close to 200 people attended the CIRQUE DU PURIM at the Best Western Hotel, in Poughkeepsie, NY. There was live music and dancing. In adddition, there was a spectacular circus show that had the entire audience of adults and children glued with their eyes. The crowd came from all over the Mid-Hudson Valley region.
A beautiful evening with Susue Fishbein
A crowd of 50 people gathered on Tuesday night in Poughkeepsie, N.Y., for a Pre-Shavuot evening of Dairy Culinary Delights with Celebrity Chef and Cookbook Author Susie Fishbein. Hindy Borenstein, of Chabad of Mid Hudson Valley, (Poughkeepsie, NY) began the evening speaking about the meaning of Shavuot, why we eat dairy foods, about kashrut and how they are all connected with the meaning of Matan Torah- the merging of the physical and the spiritual. Then, Susie Fishbein, author of the famous Kosher By Design Cookbook series, did a delicious dairy workshops of delectable dishes, with lots of tips on kosher and healthy eating. The evening was a great success and a few present bought their very first kosher cookbook, making a commitment to grow in their Kashrut observance.
A beautiful Family Sukkot BBQ Celebration 2009
Many families came to the family BBQ Sukkot celebration at the Borenstein's home. Everyone present recited the blessings on the Lulav & Ezrog & enjoyed the delioucs BBQ! There was also live music & dancing in the streets celebrating Simchas Bais Hashoeiva!
A beautiful Lag B''Omer BBQ & Kumsitz 2012
Close to 100 people attended the Chabad of Mid Hudson Valley''s annual Lag B''Omer BBQ & Kumsitz. Despite the prediction of heavy rain and thunderstorms, many people attended Chabad of Mid-Hudson Valley''s annual Lag Ba''omer BBQ & Kumzitz. The main attraction was obviously related to fire - a fire juggling show which the audience enjoyed very much. Many people put on tefilin followed by a beautiful Bonfire to which the people sat around the fire & sang the Lag B''Omer songs.
A beautiful Lag Ba''omer parade 2009
For the first time ever Chabad of Mid-Hudson Valley had it''s first Lag Ba''omer parade! The main highway was closed off & the local police department assisted in the grand parade. Many people marched with banners in their hands, accompanied by a live band, performing clowns & dancing in the streets. It was a tremendous Kiddush Hashem! The Parade concluded at the Chabad Center where a large crowd took part in a BBQ. There was also an amazing performance by the famous R.J. Louis - adults as well as children enjoyed his entertainment especially spitting out fire from his mouth. Close to 20 men put on Tefilin. At the conclusion, the audience sat around a traditional Bon-Fire accompanied with stories & the crowd joined in with singing along with the band!
A beautiful Menorah lighting at Civic Center Plaza 09
Despite the cold weather a crowd of about 30 people attended the first lighting of the largest Menorah, 22 ft, assisted by a cherry picker.
A beautiful Tu B''hvat celebration.
Chabad's Jewish Women's Circle celebrated recently in a unique fashion a “Kabbalistic Tu B'Shvat Seder,”. 30 women from throughout the county attended this great event that originated from the ancient Kabbalists (mystics)of the 16th century in Tzfat, Israel. The event was held at the home of Rabbi Yacov & Hindy Borenstein of Poughkeepsie. South African artist Neria Cohen led the crowd in an enlightening & meaningful evening of mysticism and singing. Participants sat around candle-lit tables with beautiful decorated new fruites enabling them to recite the blessing of Shechiyonu. Everyone enjoyed themselves & left very inspired!
A Chanukah balloon festival in Kingston 09
A Chanukah Celebration at the Poughkepsie Galleria 2008
Despite cold & stormy weather a huge crowd participated at the Poughkeepsie Galleria. This years feature was a 9 ft Menorah made out of clear pvc that contained close to a 100 pounds of Jelly Beans!
A Family Sukkot Celebration: Pizza in a Hut 2007
Many people came to the family Sukkot celebration at the Borenstein''s home. Everyone present recited the blessings on the Lulav & Ezrog & enjoyed the "Pizza in a Hut", making their own Pizza with their favorite toppings with CIA student Avraham Siegel. Children made their own arts & crafts followed by a Treasure Hunt.
A first time ever lighting on the Walkway over the Hudson
Chabad of Mid Hudson Valley hosted the first ever Menorah lighting on Monday December 14 on the nationally acclaimed and historic Walkway Over the Hudson-the longest walkway in the world. Since it''s opening in October of 2009, the walkway has seen close to 600,000 people . For the very first time, on the fourth night of Chanukah, a crowd gathered at the center of the walkway to bring the light of Chanukah to the Hudson Valley. There was a Menorah lighting ceremony, accompanied by joyful music and dancing, doughnuts, hot latkes, and hot drinks. Among the honored dignitaries were the mayor of Poughkeespie,as well as the former mayor of 23 years ago. Many walkers stopped to put on Tefillin and join in the festivities. Among the media coverage was the Poughkeespie Journal, the Times Herald, RNN News Channel, Southern Dutchess News, and Mid Hudson News.
A Grand Shofar Factory 2009
Many people from the Mid-Hudson Valley participated in the experience of making their own very Shofar!
A Ground Breaking Ceremony Sept. 7th 2008
Close to 150 people participated in this historic event & joined in the ground breaking ceremony with wearing hard hats & using shovels hands on digging into the ground. A special arts & crafts for kids kept the children busy!
A Kosher by Design Nov 5 2007
Well over 50 people attented a beautiful & inspiring talk & demo presentation by author of the very popular Kosher by Design cookbook series, Susie Fishbein.
A Lag Baomer BBQ Fun Day 5/6 2007
About 100 people came to celebrate Lag Baomer at the Chabad Center with great entertainment & a special presentation from the famed "Ballooner Rebbe".
A Menorah Lighting in Millbrook NY 09
For the first time in history there was a Menorah Lighting in Millbrook, NY. There were over 30 people that attended this event. Despite cold weather,the crowd sang songs together with delicious donughts, hot latkes & hot apple cider.
A Menorah lighting in New Windsor
A menorah lighting in Newburgh
A Model Matzah Bakery at ShopRite Supermarket 2007
A Purim Celebration 2007
Over 200 people gathered at Chabad’s annual Purim Feast- PURIM in the Wild West. From a full fledged delicious kosher western style buffet including spare ribs and chili, to our western themed arts and crafts- making your own cowboy hats and bandannas to the highlight - Sandy Candy. Let’s not forget our highly entertaining Western Cowboy rope tricker and our talented caricaturist - Now you’re WANTED! The western style music, with the Rabbi’s bottle of vodka kept us smiling and on our toes all night long!
A Purim Celebration 2008
About 150 people gathered at Chabad’s annual Purim Feast- PURIM in "Outer Space", sponsored by Chabad Lubavitch of Mid-Hudson Valley. The event was held at the Best Western in Poughkeepsie, NY. There was also an amazing one-of-a-kind Bubblemania, Doug Leurouex, who entertained the crowd. Doug also had all the children & adults waiting eagerly on line to be covered in a nest of bubbles!
A Sukkah Mobil travels around the Mid-Hudson Valley, Sukkot 2009.
Many people visited the portable Sukkah fixed upon a truck to enable them to recite the blessings on the Lulov & Ezrog. They also enjoyed to eat some delecious food to recite the special blessing on the Sukkah.
A Tu B''shvat Women''s Celebration Feb 1 2007
Over 40 women gathered for a real inspirational Tu B'Shvat evening of "Fruit, and Fruit for Thought." A scrumptious salad bar and delicious fruit smoothies were enjoyed by one and all! Thought- provoking and inspiring words of wisdom were shared by Hindy Borenstein, followed by the renowned Tammy Polatsek- an exquisite and comical demo on the how to of "The art of fruit."
A Women''s Sukkot Celebration: Sushi, Story & Songs 2007
Close to 40 women attented the Sukkah & Sushi celebration that was held in the Borenstein''s Sukkah. Special guest speaker, Bracha Meschninov, led an inspiring talk how to bring joy into our lives & homes. Everyone enjoyed the company, food, songs & the spirit of Sukkot!
An event of Laughter & Joy Nov 27 2007
Close to 30 women attended a Yud Tes Kislev gathering of the Jewish Women''s Circle of Chabad of Mid-Hudson Valley titled "The Miracle of Laughter & Light" with Superwriter & Performer Esther Rachel Russell. Chanukah cards & gift bags were made to be distributed to Chai Lifeline before Chanukah!
Bris Milah at the Chabad House April 12, 2007
Chanukah 2007 lights up the Mid Hudson Valley!
Hundreds participated throughtout the Mid Hudson Valley Region with Menorah Lighting & Chanukah events which local community & political leaders attented. Its locations included Poughkeepsie, Newburgh, New Windsor, Hyde Park, Rhinebeck and Kingston. Chabad also held its annual Super Bowl Chanukah Lighting in Wappingers Falls which close to 100 people participated.
Chanukah lights up the Mid Hudson Valley - 2006
Chabad of Mid Hudson Valley held numerous Chanukah events throughout the region. Hundreds participated in many cities with Menorah Lightings & Chanukah events including local community & political leaders.
Family Sukkot Celebration: Pizza in a Hut
Close to 75 people came to the family Sukkot celebration at the Borenstein's home & a Sukkah Mobil truck enhanced the celebration. Everyone present recited the blessings on the Lulav & Ezrog & enjoyed the Pizza in a Hut! Children made their own arts & crafts.
Graduation of Torah Tots
Jewish Women''s Circle: Challah Baking 2006
Women from around Hudson Valley came to enjoy this beatiful event that was held in Judy Landesman's home.
Jewish Women's Circle: Israeli Dancing
Close to thirty women gathered together at the Grand Mercury Hotel for a insightful and joyful evening- "Joy in our Troubled times." Hindy shared some inspirational words and tips on how to incorporate joy into today's difficult times. It was followed by a joyful session of israeli dancing. Women of all ages learned to dance and had a great time- it was a lot of fun!
Lag Ba'omer Photos 2006:
Over 100 people enjoyed this event!
Local Nursing Homes were visited on Sukkot 2007
Melave Malka with Dr Yisroel Susskind on December 9, 2006
Close to 65 people attended an inspirational evening at the Best Western Inn on "Achieving Forgiveness" healing your wounds accompanied with a delicious dairy meal.
Photos 2006
Shofar Factory September 17, 2006
Many people from the Mid-Hudson Valley came to experience the making of the shofar.
Women''s Sukkot Celebration: Sushi, Stories & Songs 2006
Despite heavy rain over 30 women attented the Sukkah & Sushi celebration that was held in the Borenstein home (instead of the Sukkah). Everyone enjoyed the company, food, songs & the spirit of Sukkot!


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